Forschung Jobs

Das Departement Gesundheit der ZHAW lädt Sie ein, als Professor:in für Hebammenwissenschaft am Institut für Hebammenwissenschaft und reproduktive Gesundheit die Leitung der Forschung zu übernehmen und gemeinsam mit dem...
vor 1 Wo.
Attractive assistant position to research in and promotion of sustainable development and circular economy. Evaluate and improve the sustainability of new technologies and products! School: School of Engineering S...
vor 1 Wo.
To support our team, we are looking for a Research Associate for the Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Fuel Cells (the position is limited to two years). Mathematical models are used for the design and analysis o...
vor 1 Wo.
You like to contribute to cutting-edge research regarding incorporating expert feedback and preferences in process planning and control for advanced manufacturing? Then have a look at this project! School: School of...
vor 3 Wo.